What is a 9/80 Work Schedule and How Does it work?

9/80 work schedule example by Shiftbase

In this article, we'll demystify the 9/80 work schedule, its origins, and mechanics. This guide will highlight the reasons for its implementation and considerations to ponder before adoption.

What is a 9/80 work schedule ?

So, what exactly is the 9/80 work schedule? Simply put, it's a work arrangement where employees work 80 hours over nine days, instead of the typical ten.

Sounds intriguing, right? The key feature of this system is that it provides employees with a three-day weekend every other week. This schedule not only opens up time for personal interests and responsibilities, but it also reduces commute times and fosters a more balanced and fulfilling work-life environment.

How does a 9/80 work schedule work?

The 9/80 work schedule typically spans two weeks, with the work hours divided as follows:

Week 1:

Monday to Thursday

    • Work: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Lunch: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Work: 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Total Work Hours: 9


    • Work: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Lunch: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Work: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Total Work Hours: 8

Week 2:

Monday to Thursday

    • Work: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Lunch: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Work: 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Total Work Hours: 9
  • Friday

    • Off

Over the two-week cycle, this schedule also adds up to 80 hours. It's essential to note that this is just a sample; actual start and end times may vary based on organizational needs. And, as always, local labor laws regarding meal and rest breaks must be considered when implementing such a schedule.

Origins of the 9/80 work schedule

The 9/80 work schedule isn't an entirely new concept. It was first introduced in the 1960s to tackle issues related to traffic congestion during peak hours.

The flexible scheduling option was a hit and gradually began to gain traction for its potential in enhancing work-life balance.

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Why implement a 9/80 work schedule?

The 9/80 work schedule isn't just a unique system for its own sake. It provides a myriad of benefits for both employees and employers. Let's delve deeper into these advantages.

Benefits for Employees

  • Extended weekends: An extra day off every other week can do wonders for personal pursuits, family time, rest, or other non-work activities.

  • Reduced commuting: Fewer workdays translate to fewer commuting days, saving time, and reducing stress and carbon footprints.

  • Increased work-life balance: The balance that the 9/80 work schedule affords can enhance employees' overall well-being and job satisfaction.

Benefits for Employers

  • Increased productivity: Studies have shown that work arrangements like the 9/80 schedule can lead to higher productivity levels among employees.

  • Improved employee retention: Employees value workplaces that respect their work-life balance, making the 9/80 work schedule a powerful retention tool.

  • Enhanced recruitment: The 9/80 work schedule can make your company more attractive to prospective employees seeking flexible work arrangements.

Useful Read: The 4-day work week schedule - An Implementation  Guide

Considerations when implementing the 9/80 work schedule

Two creative millenial small business owners working on social media strategy using a digital tablet while sitting in staircase-Jun-19-2023-07-40-20-1295-AMAs with any systemic change in work structure, the 9/80 work schedule should be implemented carefully. Consideration should be given to legal compliance, employee preferences, and potential impact on business operations.

Legal Compliance

Ensuring that your 9/80 work schedule aligns with local labor laws is paramount. You need to understand the legal aspects of overtime and wage laws to avoid complications.

Employee Preferences

Not all employees might be thrilled about longer workdays. Thus, understanding their concerns and working out compromises are essential steps before implementing a 9/80 work schedule.

Business Operations

You should also take into account the potential impact on your daily operations. For instance, businesses that need to be staffed seven days a week might find the 9/80 work schedule challenging.


The 9/80 work schedule may seem like a magical solution to the often tricky puzzle of work-life balance. Indeed, it offers a raft of benefits including increased employee productivity, improved work-life balance, and the potential for reduced commute times.

However, like any significant change, it must be approached with careful consideration of legal compliance, employee preferences, and business operations.

With these elements in mind, the 9/80 work schedule might just be the enchanting solution your workplace needs.

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The ultimate solution: Shiftbase

Transitioning to a 9/80 work schedule requires a flexible and effective scheduling system. Luckily, we have just the right tool for you — Shiftbase, a state-of-the-art SaaS for employee scheduling and hours registration.

Our platform is designed to handle complex work schedules like the 9/80 and ensure a smooth transition for your team.

Shiftbase provides clear visibility of schedules, streamlines hours registration, and ensures legal compliance, making it a trusted ally for organizations adapting to new work schedules. Plus, it offers a host of other features to facilitate seamless workforce management.

You don't just have to take our word for it. Why not experience the wonders of Shiftbase firsthand? We're offering a free 14-day trial of our premium plan. There's no risk, no obligation, and we're confident you'll love the freedom and control it provides. Click here to start your journey with Shiftbase today! We're confident it will be a game-changer in your transition to the 9/80 work schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This depends on local labor laws. Some regions might require overtime pay for any work over 8 hours a day.
  • While the 9/80 work schedule offers many benefits, it might not be suitable for all businesses, particularly those that need to be staffed seven days a week.
  • Research has shown that flexible work schedules like the 9/80 can increase employee productivity and job satisfaction.
  • One of the main benefits for employees is an enhanced work-life balance, including more time for personal pursuits, reduced commute times, and regular long weekends.
  • Some potential challenges include ensuring compliance with local labor laws, accommodating employee preferences, and managing potential impacts on business operations.

Carin Vreede

Written by:

Carin Vreede

With years of experience in the HR field, Carin has a lot of experience with HR processes. As a content marketer, she translates this knowledge into engaging and informative content that helps companies optimize their HR processes and motivate and develop their employees.


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