What is work organization?
Work organization is the study of how people interact with their work environment. It includes everything from scheduling and assigning tasks to equipping and training employees for their jobs.
The structured design of work processes is referred to as work organization. The organizational concept includes the activities, tasks, and working conditions. The aim is to make a company more efficient and productive. This goal is achieved using available resources and talent as efficiently as possible.
Work organization also includes the design of workplaces and the arrangement of equipment and tools. Work organization ensures workers have everything they need to do their jobs safely, efficiently, and effectively.
What is the connection between work organization and work design?

Work/Job design is the design of jobs, job tasks, and roles to ensure you are practical and efficient. Work organization is the study of how people interact with their work environment. It includes everything from scheduling and assigning tasks to equipping and training employees for their jobs.
The two concepts are closely related to how work is designed and organised. For example, a very complex job may need to be broken down into smaller tasks that different people can complete. Or if a job requires special skills or training, workers may need to be given more time to complete it.
Whose task is the organization of work?
The organization of work is done by management of the officials. If a company is not formally structured, it is the responsibility of the employer and works council to set conditions for the organization of work.
According to Section 106 GewO, employers have the power to control various aspects of their employees' working lives, such as working hours and expectations. He must exercise good judgment and is constrained by multiple legal regulations and agreements through collective bargaining agreements and employment contracts.
In addition, he must follow the rules laid down in his employer/works council agreement. You must document the work organization and the entire process in writing in the service or work instructions.
What does the work organization include?
Many different work areas must be planned and structured correctly to coordinate the work in the best possible way. The organization includes, among other factors:
- The organizational structure of the company
- Occupational health and safety regulations
- The type and design of the workplace
- The work equipment
- The motivation of the employees
- Work processes and methods
- Communication and information systems
Adapt new technologies, products, markets, and services.
Common mistakes in work organization
Not all companies are equally successful in work organisation. In some cases, this can lead to work accidents or lost production. The following points often play a role here:
Wrong or insufficient internal coordination
One of the biggest mistakes is the lack of organisation and coordination between the various departments of a company. It can lead to errors, omissions, and duplication. Without a clear division of labour, employees can also be insecure.
Internal coordination must be designed so the various departments can work together efficiently. There must be a clear division of labour, and each department must know its role and responsibilities.
Improperly used work equipment
You must optimise the use of work equipment to avoid errors and inefficiencies. If machines are not used properly or adequately maintained, they can break down more often, resulting in lost production.
Ergonomic and safe work equipment is also essential. Failure to do so can result in injury, lost work time, and high labour costs.
Lack of employee motivation
Employees who are not motivated can make mistakes and be less productive. In some cases, this can lead to conflicts with other employees.
There are many reasons why employees cannot be motivated. For example, you may not think their work is meaningful or important. You may also be dissatisfied with their working conditions, salary, or benefits.
Managers can help motivate employees by creating a positive work environment and providing opportunities for employee involvement. You can also help employees become more engaged with their work by setting clear expectations and providing feedback.
Poor Communication
Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, errors, and inefficiencies. Conflicts can also arise between employees and supervisors.
Many communication channels include email, telephone, face-to-face meetings or video conferences. Choosing the right channel for the message you want to communicate is important.
Related: The Power of Internal Communication in a Modern Business World
In addition, clear and concise communication is important. You can achieve this by using plain language and avoiding technical jargon.
Insufficient Documentation
Documentation is vital to the smooth running of a business. It can help avoid mistakes, miscommunication and misunderstandings.
But documentation can also be a source of error if it is not up-to-date or not clear. In some cases, outdated or incorrect documentation can lead to legal problems.
It is important to ensure that all documentation is accurate and up to date. You can achieve this by regularly reviewing and updating the documentation. In addition, it is important to ensure that all employees have access to the latest versions of the documentation.
Time pressure
In some cases, employees feel under too much time pressure. It can lead to mistakes and errors. In addition, time pressure can cause stress and anxiety among employees.
It is essential to ensure that employees have enough time to finish their work without rushing. You can achieve this by setting realistic meeting deadlines and allocating adequate resources.
Poor work environment
The work environment can have a significant impact on employee productivity. If the environment is not comfortable or safe, it can lead to absenteeism and accidents. In addition, a poor work environment can lead to poor morale and job satisfaction.
Many factors contribute to a good working environment, such as lighting, temperature, noise levels, and air quality. Ensuring the work environment is comfortable and safe for all employees is essential.
Employee scheduling and Time-tracking software!
The organisation of work in the company
You must adequately organise the company's activity to achieve its goals. Work organisation includes the planning, coordinating and controlling of the company's activities.
The work organisation must take into account the resources of the company, such as its human, financial and material resources. In addition, the work organisation must take into account the environment of the company, such as B. the competitive and regulatory environment.
It is important to review and update work organisation to remain efficient regularly. In addition, the work organisation must be flexible to adapt to changes in the company's resources or environment.
Tips for a sustainable work organisation
A sustainable work organisation can adapt to environmental changes and still function effectively. Some of the tips for achieving a sustainable work organisation are as follows:
- The company must have a clear vision and mission that all employees can understand and that you can stand behind.
- All employees must have a common understanding of the company's goals. It can be achieved through effective communication.
- The team must be strong and cohesive to work together effectively.
- The team must have the right skills and knowledge to achieve organisational goals.
- The company must have adequate financial resources, human resource management, and physical resources.
- The company's activities must function properly, plan, and coordinate.
- The company must have effective systems and processes in place.
By following these tips, organisations can become more sustainable and adaptable to environmental changes.
How to be organised at work

Use an app
Although apps can be extremely helpful in getting and staying organised with work, don't go crazy and download a bunch. Use a cloud-based calendar or project-management app to stay on top of your responsibilities. Sling is an app for managers who need to organise employees, shifts, and job schedules in one place. Sling also works as a time clock to help you monitor labour costs.
Avoid multitasking
While you may feel like you're getting more done by tackling several tasks simultaneously, multitasking is less productive than single-tasking. It takes your brain longer to switch gears between tasks, and as a result, you end up taking longer to complete both tasks.
Stay on top of your inbox
With all your work, it's easy to forget about your email inbox. Could you not put it off until later? Make folders for work, personal, and other kinds of messages. Delete the trash and file the rest in a few minutes at each day's start, middle, and end. Your goal should be inbox zero.
Make a weekly plan
With all your work, it's easy to forget about your email inbox. Don't put it off until later. Make folders for work, personal, and other kinds of messages. Delete the trash and file the rest in a few minutes at each day's start, middle, and end. Your goal should be inbox zero.
Make a daily plan
If you want to be organised at work, make a daily plan. You can do this by writing down the things that need to be done for the day. It will help you stay on track and prevent distractions from getting in the way of your productivity. If you don't have anything to write down, use something like a post-it note or even a piece of paper.
Take breaks
Take regular breaks throughout the day, so you don't feel rushed or overworked when you return from lunch or a break in the middle of a project. Taking regular breaks will also help you stay alert and focused if something unexpected happens — like an email notification from your boss asking for an update on your progress or a phone call from a client needing information about one of their projects.
Silence your phone
No matter how hard you try, your phone will ring at work. If you can't ignore it, silence it. That means turning off the ringer and putting it on vibrate. You may be tempted to leave it in your pocket or purse, but if you have a smartphone, there's no reason not to silence it.
Purge your supplies
Your desk is full of stuff that doesn't need to be there. Whether it's papers, you don't need anymore or pens that are clogging up the drawer, get rid of them. If you're taking things home with you at night, put them in a box before leaving for the day so they'll be out of sight until tomorrow morning.
Put everything in its place
If your desk is covered in clutter, start clearing it out daily! Put everything back into its proper place when you're done working on it — even if that means leaving some things where they were initially. It will help keep your workspace organised and keep things clean and tidy.
It is an excellent practice to keep everything in its place. The best way to keep your work organised is to use a filing cabinet or a drawer for each area that you work in. If you have a lot of paperwork, then it is better to put them all in one place and file them as it makes your life easier. You will be able to find out what you need when you need it and not waste time looking for the right piece of information.
Go paperless
Paper is not just used for documents and notes but also used in electronic devices like computers, laptops, and tablets, so it should be kept in a paperless environment where no papers are lying around or on the floor or desk just inviting dust particles to settle into them over time which can cause damage to the electronics inside them.
One of the first steps to being organised at work is to unsubscribe from all your email newsletters, magazines, and other junk mail. It will save you time and allow you to focus on what's important.
Consolidate the places you go for information
The easiest way to stay organized at work is to consolidate the places where you get information. If you use multiple devices for getting things done (like computer, phone and tablet), make sure that each device has a specific purpose. For example, if you use a computer for emails, make sure that it is clear which folders contain your emails so that you can access them quickly when needed.
Assign a place for everything
You may save a lot of time by ensuring that all objects in your immediate vicinity have a specific location. When you store your stapler in the second drawer from the bottom, your red pens to the left of your computer monitor, and your phone on the charger at all times, you won't spend time hunting for these items.
Talk more
Suppose it's vital that everyone in your department knows about an upcoming meeting or project deadline. Set aside time during each workday for everyone in your group to discuss this information face-to-face. This way, everyone is on the same page, and there aren't any misunderstandings later when things get busy at work.
Set aside time for organization
Set aside time each day to dedicate to your organisation's goals. Schedule your entire day, so you can make sure you're working towards your ultimate goal. If possible, block off an hour or two in the morning and another hour in the afternoon. It will give you a few hours at the end of your workday to tackle any tasks that need attention before leaving home.
Keep your desk clean
Keep your desk tidy by keeping it free of clutter and papers that don't have a purpose. Clear off your desktop and any other surfaces cluttered with unnecessary items — including any piles of paperwork or files that don't belong on your desk. It would help if you also kept only essentials on hand for easy access during work hours; it is keeping everything else out of sight and out of mind until needed is recommended.
Divide your desk into specific zones
An excellent way to organise your work desk is by dividing it into separate zones — like "work" and "personal." It can help keep different papers separate, so everything stays where it belongs. You may also want to create separate areas for paperwork that needs immediate attention versus those items that are less urgent but still need to be in order (like bills).
Set up a work-only internet browser
A work-only browser is an extension for your browser that blocks all websites except for the sites you specify. It is helpful because it keeps your computer from being distracted by social media or other online distractions. You can even set up a special browser for work and set up filters to block out any websites that might be distracting to you.
Keep your most-used supplies close by
Please keep all your most used supplies in one place, making them easy to find when needed. If there's also a place where you can store everything, like a drawer or cabinet, then this is even easier! Make sure that everything is easily accessible and not in a way that will be difficult for you to get when you need it.
What are the potential benefits of being organised?
Being organised and having a plan is essential to success at work. It can help you to:
Accomplishing goals
The organisation can help you accomplish your goals and reach the goals of your organisation. Make a to-do list. For example, if you want to complete a report for work, you should put it in the correct folder and keep all the relevant materials together. Being organised will allow you to find the documents when needed quickly. Organised people are more likely to keep track of the work performance of their work tasks, too. Lists keep you from missing steps while working on a project, and templates streamline repetitive tasks since you don't have to start from scratch every time.
Maintaining a work-life balance
Being organised makes it easier for you to fit your life around your job and vice versa. You don't have to worry about where the last few drops of coffee went or whether there's enough space on your desk for everything you need today (or tomorrow). You don't have to feel pressured into working late or leaving work early just because there's nothing else for you to do during that time slot right now — you know what comes next (or what will come next) and when it will happen (or when it will happen).
Useful Read: Work-Life Balance Definition: A Complete Guide
Improving relationships with coworkers
The organisation is one of the most important skills you can have in your professional life, as it makes life easier for you. People who are organised tend to be more productive and efficient in their job and appreciate their colleagues more. An organised work area means you can spend less time searching for important files or documents and less time on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Increasing productivity
Being organised will help you increase your productivity at work by reducing the time it takes to complete tasks. It can mean saving money on supplies (e.g., paper), reducing time spent on commuting, and eliminating stress from having too much paperwork to sort through at the end of the day!
Work organisation is very important in any company or organisation. It helps keep everything running smoothly and efficiently. A good work organisation can make the difference between a successful and a struggling company.
There are many different ways to organise a workplace, so finding the method best suits the company's needs is important. Work organisation is essential to every company and should not be neglected.