Personalverwaltung software FÜR kmu

Verabschiede dich von chaotischer Dienstplanung

Shiftbase wurde für Kleinunternehmer entwickelt, die eine zuverlässige, einfach zu bedienende Plattform benötigen, um Dienstpläne, Zeiterfassung und Abwesenheiten zu verwalten – alles an einem Ort. Vereinfache deine Abläufe und konzentriere dich auf das, was wirklich zählt: das Wachstum deines Unternehmens.

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Schedule Page - ZigZag 7


Hast du es satt, Schichten in Excel zu koordinieren?

Excel und WhatsApp haben bisher vielleicht funktioniert, aber sie sind nicht für wachsende Unternehmen konzipiert. Shiftbase ermöglicht dir eine mühelose Verwaltung von Dienstplänen und stellt sicher, dass dein Team immer dort ist, wo es sein muss. Mit der Echtzeitverfolgung der Verfügbarkeit kannst du vorausplanen und Probleme in letzter Minute vermeiden.

Automatisierte Dienstplanung: Erstelle im Handumdrehen Schichten und verwalte kurzfristige Änderungen mit Leichtigkeit.

Zentralisierte Kommunikation: Halte alle Beteiligten mit einer einzigen Plattform zur Dienstplanung auf dem Laufenden.

Optimierung der Arbeitskosten: Passe das Personal an den Bedarf an, um unnötige Kosten zu reduzieren.

Schichttausch: Ermögliche es den Mitarbeitern, Schichten einfach zu tauschen, und gewährleiste eine kontinuierliche Abdeckung, ohne den Betrieb zu unterbrechen.

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Time Tracking - ZigZag 3 - DE


Hast du Probleme mit der manuellen Zeiterfassung?

Die manuelle Zeiterfassung führt oft zu Fehlern und Compliance-Risiken. Shiftbase automatisiert den Prozess – Mitarbeiter können nahtlos über verschiedene Geräte ein- und ausstempeln, was dir ermöglicht, mit genauen Lohndaten zu arbeiten und die Vorschriften zur Zeiterfassung einzuhalten.

Anpassbare Zeiterfassungsoptionen: Erfasse Stunden aus deinem Dienstplan, oder lass deine Mitarbeiter über die Shiftbase Mobile-App, einen Webbrowser oder ein physisches Terminal ein- und ausstempeln.

Automatische Zeitrundung und Pausenmanagement: So hältst du die Arbeitsgesetze ein und ermöglicht präzise Lohnberechnungen.

Überwachung leicht gemacht: Erhalte sofortige Benachrichtigungen, wenn Mitarbeiter zu spät kommen oder vergessen, sich auszustempeln, was dir hilft, genaue Aufzeichnungen zu führen und Unstimmigkeiten bei der Lohnabrechnung zu verhindern.

Integriert mit der Lohnabrechnung: Verknüpfe die Zeiterfassungsdaten nahtlos mit deinem Lohnabrechnungssystem, um den administrativen Aufwand zu reduzieren und genaue Mitarbeiterzahlungen zu garantieren, was Zeit spart und kostspielige Fehler vermeidet.

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Leave - ZigZag 2 - DE-1


Hast du Schwierigkeiten, Abwesenheiten in letzter Minute zu verwalten?

Unerwartete Abwesenheiten können deinen Betrieb stören, aber Shiftbase hilft dir dabei, den Überblick zu behalten. Erwarte Abwesenheiten und handle kurzfristige Dienstplananpassungen mühelos, um sicherzustellen, dass dein Team immer abgedeckt ist.

Abwesenheiten antizipieren und vorausplanen: Nutze Shiftbase, um bevorstehende Abwesenheiten vorherzusagen und zu verwalten, damit du deinen Personalbedarf strategisch im Voraus planen kannst.

Flexibler Schichttausch und Selbstplanung: Ermögliche deinen Mitarbeitern, Schichten zu tauschen und ihre eigenen Dienstpläne zu verwalten, ganz ohne lästige WhatsApp-Chats und Tabellen.

Verfolgung der Verfügbarkeit in Echtzeit: Halte die Verfügbarkeitsdaten deiner Mitarbeiter auf dem neuesten Stand, was die Anpassung von Dienstplänen erleichtert und kurzfristige Hektik vermeidet.

Automatisierte Dienstplananpassungen: Fülle schnell Lücken in deinem Dienstplan, indem du verfügbares Personal zur Abdeckung von Abwesenheiten einsetzt und deinen Betrieb reibungslos weiterlaufen lässt.

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HRM - ZigZag 2 - DE


Fragst du dich, wie Shiftbase mit deiner anderen Software, wie der Lohnabrechnung, verbunden wird?

Shiftbase lässt sich nahtlos in die Systeme für Gehaltsabrechnung, Personalverwaltung und Zeiterfassung integrieren, die du oder deine Verwaltungspartner bereits nutzen. So wird das Personalmanagement einfacher und effizienter, ohne dass du mühsam die Tools wechseln muss.

Breite Kompatibilität: Ob du die Lohnabrechnung intern verwaltest oder durch einen Partner, Shiftbase verbindet sich mühelos mit beliebten Systemen wie Visma Nmbrs, Loket und mehr, um einen reibungslosen Datenfluss über alle Werkzeuge hinweg zu gewährleisten.

Datensynchronisierung in Echtzeit: Halte deine Personaldaten mit automatischer Synchronisation über alle verbundenen Systeme hinweg genau und aktuell.

Zentralisiertes Management: Nutze Shiftbase als deine All-in-One-Plattform für Dienstplanung, Zeiterfassung und Abwesenheitsmanagement – vereinfachte Verwaltung für eine saubere Lohnabrechnung.

Einfache Lohnabrechnungsberichte: Erstelle genaue, auf Stundenzettel basierende Berichte, die die Lohnabrechnung vereinfachen, manuelle Aufgaben für Lohnabrechnungsadministratoren reduzieren und präzise, fehlerfreie Ergebnisse sicherstellen.

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Mehr als Dienstplanung

Für mehr Kontrolle über die Personalkosten & zufriedene Mitarbeiter, alles in einer Plattform.

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flying tiger

“Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit Shiftbase, weil alle unsere Mitarbeiter ihre Dienstpläne leicht einsehen und ihre Verfügbarkeit in der App angeben können! Und der Kundenservice ist hilfsbereit und antwortet schnell auf alle unsere Fragen.”

Sabrina Barten

HR-Mitarbeiterin bei Flying Tiger Copenhagen

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Unsere Kunden, ob groß oder klein, kommen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen. Entdecke, wie unsere Software dich bei deinen Zielen unterstützen kann.

Alle Branchen

What is Enterprise Workforce Management Software, and how does it benefit organizations?

Enterprise Workforce Management (WFM) software is a comprehensive solution designed to manage all aspects of workforce operations, including employee scheduling, attendance tracking, and compliance with labor laws. It benefits organizations by optimizing workforce planning, reducing labor costs, and improving operational efficiency by providing the finest administrative staffing services.

Additionally, it connects employers with professional temporary employees, enhancing productivity and ensuring that all staffing needs are met effectively. By integrating various modules such as time tracking and payroll management, it ensures accurate data handling and enhances productivity across departments.

Definition of Enterprise Workforce Management

Enterprise workforce management refers to a strategic approach that leverages technology, processes, and data analytics to optimize the management of an organization’s workforce. This comprehensive system encompasses various aspects such as employee scheduling, time and attendance tracking, task and workload management, and compliance reporting.

The primary goal is to ensure that the right employees are in the right place at the right time, thereby meeting business objectives efficiently. By streamlining these processes, enterprise workforce management not only boosts productivity and efficiency but also significantly reduces labor costs and enhances overall employee engagement.

Importance of Enterprise Workforce Management in Modern Businesses

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, effective workforce management is more critical than ever. Enterprise workforce management software equips businesses with the necessary tools and insights to optimize their workforce, leading to improved productivity and reduced labor costs. By adopting such a solution, businesses can:

  • Improve Productivity and Efficiency: Streamlined processes and real-time data ensure that employees are utilized effectively.
  • Reduce Labor Costs and Improve Budgeting: Accurate scheduling and compliance management help in minimizing unnecessary labor expenses.
  • Enhance Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: Self-service features and transparent scheduling improve employee morale.
  • Improve Compliance with Labor Laws and Regulations: Automated compliance tracking reduces the risk of violations.
  • Make Data-Driven Decisions with Real-Time Analytics: Access to real-time data and analytics supports informed decision-making.

Implementing an enterprise workforce management solution is a strategic move that can drive significant improvements in operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.

How does enterprise-level workforce management software handle compliance with labor laws across multiple regions?

Enterprise WFM software incorporates tools to monitor and enforce compliance with labor laws across multiple locations at local, state, and international levels. It automates complex pay calculations, attendance tracking, and work-hour regulations, ensuring that organizations remain compliant. 

What industries benefit most from implementing enterprise workforce management solutions?

Industries with large, diverse, and geographically dispersed workforces benefit most from temporary staffing solutions, such as healthcare, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, and logistics. Workforce enterprises play a crucial role in connecting employers with high-quality temporary employees, ensuring that job seekers find valuable career opportunities within the staffing industry.

These sectors require precise scheduling, compliance management, and real-time communication tools, which enterprise WFM software provides. It helps manage shift patterns, track employee performance, and ensure compliance with industry-specific regulations.

Can Enterprise Workforce Management Software integrate with existing HR and payroll systems?

Yes, our enterprise WFM software is designed with integration capabilities that allow it to connect seamlessly with existing HR, payroll, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This integration ensures data consistency, reduces administrative overhead, and provides a unified view of workforce and financial data, enabling better decision-making and reporting. You can find our marketplace here.

How does this software support attendance tracking and real-time payroll accuracy?

Enterprise WFM software automates attendance tracking by using technologies such as biometric systems, mobile apps, and punch clocks. It collects and processes time and attendance data in real-time, ensuring that payroll calculations are accurate and up-to-date. This minimizes errors related to manual data entry and overpayments, improving overall payroll efficiency.

What features are included for managing employee scheduling and shift assignments?

Our software includes automated scheduling tools that create optimal shift patterns based on employee availability, skills, and business demand. It also offers features like shift swapping, automated shift notifications, and self-service portals where employees can bid for or request shifts, enhancing flexibility and employee satisfaction while ensuring coverage and efficiency.

How can workforce management software help reduce labor costs and optimize resource allocation?

By automating scheduling, tracking overtime, and managing compliance, WFM software helps minimize unnecessary labor expenses. It provides real-time analytics and forecasting tools to predict staffing needs accurately, ensuring the right number of employees are scheduled to match demand. This data-driven approach reduces overstaffing and overtime costs, ultimately optimizing resource allocation.


What are the benefits of cloud-based versus on-premise workforce management solutions?

Cloud-based WFM solutions offer greater flexibility, as they are accessible from anywhere, allowing for better support of remote or mobile employees. They also provide scalability and reduced IT maintenance since updates and security patches are managed by the provider. On the other hand, on-premise solutions may offer more control over customization and data security but often come with higher initial costs and ongoing maintenance responsibilities.

Shiftbase is primarily a cloud-based software solution, designed to provide flexibility and accessibility for businesses managing their workforce schedules, attendance, and payroll. It offers mobile compatibility and real-time access through its web platform and mobile app, making it easy for managers and employees to interact with the system from anywhere.

While its core deployment is cloud-based, Shiftbase also supports on-premise installations for businesses that prefer to maintain more control over their data and infrastructure.

How does the software accommodate the needs of temporary and contract staffing?

WFM software includes modules specifically designed for managing temporary and contract employees. It offers rewarding temporary employment opportunities by providing valuable job placements and career advancement options for both employers and employees. It tracks contracts, schedules, and compliance requirements for contingent workers, ensuring they are integrated seamlessly into the workforce. Features such as time tracking and attendance management help employers monitor the performance and availability of temporary staff efficiently.

What tools are available for managing time-off requests and employee leave balances?

The software provides self-service portals where employees can request time off, view leave balances, and check the status of their requests in real time. Managers can review and approve these requests through a centralized dashboard, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations. Automated accrual tracking ensures that leave balances are updated accurately based on company policies.

How does the system enhance employee engagement and productivity through self-service features?

Self-service features empower employees to manage their schedules, request time off, and view their shift assignments directly from mobile apps or web portals. By giving employees control and visibility over their work schedules, the system improves satisfaction and reduces absenteeism, leading to higher productivity. It also streamlines communication between employees and managers, promoting a more engaged and collaborative work environment.

What kind of data analysis and reporting capabilities are included for workforce planning and forecasting?

Shiftbase Enterprise WFM software includes advanced analytics and reporting tools that track employee performance, attendance patterns, and labor costs. It offers forecasting models to predict future staffing needs based on historical data, seasonal trends, and business growth projections. These insights enable organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their workforce planning.

How does Enterprise Workforce Management Software support remote or hybrid work models?

WFM solutions support remote and hybrid work models by providing cloud-based access to scheduling, attendance tracking, and communication tools. Employees can clock in and out, update their availability, and communicate with managers remotely. The software also ensures compliance with labor regulations related to remote work, making it easier for organizations to manage a distributed workforce effectively.

What security measures are in place to protect sensitive employee data?

Enterprise WFM software employs several security measures, including encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and regular security audits, to protect sensitive data. Our cloud-based solution comes with additional protections such as data backups, disaster recovery plans, and compliance with industry standards like GDPR and ISO to safeguard employee information. Find all the information in our trust center.

How do leading staffing agencies utilize enterprise workforce management solutions to streamline operations?

Leading staffing agencies use WFM software to manage their large and diverse pool of temporary and permanent staff efficiently. The software automates the placement of candidates based on availability and skills, tracks compliance with contracts and labor regulations, and integrates with other platforms like payroll systems. This streamlining reduces administrative overhead and improves response times, enhancing the agency’s service to both clients and employees.

How does the software ensure Scalability and Flexibility for growing businesses?

Enterprise workforce management software is inherently designed to be scalable and flexible, accommodating the evolving needs of growing businesses. This is achieved through:

  • Cloud-Based Architecture: Allows businesses to scale operations up or down effortlessly, adapting to changing workforce demands.
  • Modular Design: Enables the addition or removal of modules as needed, providing tailored solutions that grow with the business.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Seamlessly integrates with HR, payroll, and time and attendance systems, ensuring smooth data flow and minimal disruption.
  • Customization: Offers customization options to meet specific workforce management needs, ensuring the software aligns with unique business requirements.

These features ensure that as businesses grow, their workforce management processes remain efficient and adaptable, supporting sustained growth and operational excellence.

What Customer Support and Success services are available for users of workforce management software?

As an Enterprise workforce management software provider we offer a comprehensive range of customer support and success services to ensure users maximize the benefits of their software. These services include:

  • Implementation and Onboarding: Dedicated support and training to facilitate a smooth implementation and onboarding process.
  • Ongoing Support: Continuous support and maintenance to ensure the software remains aligned with business needs.
  • Training and Development: Programs designed to equip users with the skills and knowledge required to fully utilize the software.
  • Account Management: Personalized support and guidance from a dedicated account manager.
  • Community and Resources: Access to a community of users and a wealth of resources, including webinars and whitepapers, to support ongoing learning and development.

By providing these robust support services, workforce management software providers help businesses achieve their objectives and derive maximum value from their investment.